Lately I have been working on my "Single Girl Quilt." Bought the pattern two years ago on a trip to NYC. Feel in love with the pattern and the idea of it. During this time too, I have been collecting 1930 reproduction fabrics.
Don't know why I am drawn to that era. Even in college, I took writing classes, history, etc. that were based during the depression. There always has been a fascination. So, as you can imagine, I have LOTS of reproduction fabrics. A few months ago I was going through my stash and noticed that I have about 12 different fabrics with kitties on them. The light bulb went off...and I knew the theme of my new quilt.... "The Single Cat Lady."
Was chatting with Collette over at Quiltology and she asked if she could hang the finished quilt for awhile....and possibly teach a class in the process of making it. I have been learning alot with this one. Templetes, curved pieces...lots of pinning...and taking my time.
Have a bunch of pictures and will post them this week with the finished product.