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February 17, 2010


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Have you ever been to Seaport Yarns? That's crazytown...It, too, is in an office-y type building that makes School Products look like it is advertised with a neon sign in comparison. It's in a warren of little office rooms, and yarn is shoved into every crevice. Cash or check only, at least a few years ago. When I told her I needed to go get more cash, she let me leave the store with $300 of yarn and the promise to send her a check, which I did, of course. Who does that in NYC? I used to live in midtown (Hell's Kitchen), and I miss it, too. I go back for my fix every now and again, too.

Karen B.

On a mission, eh? Sounds as though you did well. I would love to visit the Lion Brand store as I've only seen pictures. Purl Soho is worth a visit too although I've only had the pleasure online.

So what was the yarn you couldn't get here? Inquiring minds...

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