Hope you all are having a good 2011!! Groundhog Day is coming and I am hoping Spring will come along soon! This Winter has been enough for me already...and I am a cold weather person. Love the cold and snow vs. the sun and humidity (Chicago can get bad you know). We had snow for Christmas and now I am done. As I write this I am listening to the weather and we are supposed to get 2 feet of snow on Wednesday. ::::sigh::: 
The pictures are of Godfrey the Groundhog I made (Mochimochi Land.)
Haven't posted much this past few months. Well...life does get in the way. Darn! Last year was an interesting year. I am labeling it the year of "letting go." Everyone has those times in your life where you have to let go of a bunch of things all at once. In the beginning it is difficult but then you go on...and on...other doors open and you realize what is truely important to you. From loosing Felix to this past weekend when I ripped apart 5 knitting projects that I really didn't like to begin with...all a learning process of acceptance and letting go.
I never rip out projects. Ya, I am (use to be) one of those people who usually only knits one or two projects at a time and finishes them. Now with Ravelry...well...I have more than one project on the needles and it bothers me. It bothers me that there is a big list on Ravelry reminding me...everytime I log in (on a daily basis)...of ALL the projects I have. Stress.
Since it is a new year and all...I am labeling THIS year, the year of "Finishing Projects." I know it is the year of the Rabbit...(does the Chinese calendar have a sheep? Just curious)....anyway...finishing projects...that is what this year is all about. 
P.S. Hank and Bert are doing well. Bert just had his annual checkup and didn't bite the vet...whew! One time I took him in he bit and pee'd on her. Wasn't pretty. Hank is now 15 pounds. Uh huh...you read that right...15. When I adopted him he was barely 8 pounds. He has almost doubled his weight. He is happy and has really come into his own. Such a great cat.